JetBackup 5 - Changelog

  • v5.3.12 [ Released to edge Tier ] 2024-07-07
    • Case JB5-Base #1952 - CORE A Fatal Error Occurred While Restoring Many Email Accounts
    • Case JB5-Base #1977 - CORE [JetDatabase] listDir Memory Issue
  • v5.3.11 [ Released to alpha Tier ] 2024-06-03
    • Case JB5-Base #1915 - Feature Add licensing IPv6 support
  • v5.3.10 [ Released to edge Tier ] 2024-05-11
    • Case JB5-Base #1896 - CORE Add the snapshot cleanup as part of the "Queue" instead of "Automated Tasks"
    • Case JB5-Base #1881 - GUI Typo on the restore modal - exclude field
    • Case JB5-Base #1879 - CORE Not uploading the updated full database to destination after cleanup
    • Case JB5-Base #1877 - CORE Remove the use of meta database in JetDatabase
    • Case JB5-Base #1872 - CORE CLOSE_WAIT tcp sockets after backup completion
    • Case JB5-Base #1860 - CORE [SFTP] `full` export Failing upload causes perpetual failed backups
    • Case JB5-Base #1854 - CORE [BMR] Add BMR (REAR) default conf file for a server specific configurations
    • Case JB5-Base #1846 - CORE Error: Invalid workspace directory provided
    • Case JB5-Base #1845 - CORE [Restore] Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/local/jetapps/var/lib/jetbackup5/Core/Crontab/ on line 67
    • Case JB5-Base #1662 - CORE Retry the initial connection for all destinations
    • Case JB5-Base #1842 - CORE Directories Backup doesn't properly handle symlinked directories
    • Case JB5-Base #1835 - CORE When the IP parameter is left empty, a fatal error occurs
    • Case JB5-Base #1685 - CORE [Restore - cPanel] The domain “” already exists in the userdata. (cpapi2)
    • Case JB5-Base #1834 - CORE [BMR] Cleanup not working properly for BMR / Index File is empty
    • Case JB5-Base #1833 - CORE [CLI] Automatically reindex after jetbackup5 --import
    • Case JB5-Base #1829 - CORE Missing api temp folder causes Sync Accounts Fatal error
    • Case JB5-Base #1827 - GUI Add warning and send Alert when AVX instruction set flag is disabled
    • Case JB5-Base #1826 - GUI Add the Ability to Automatically Add Suggested Excludes option when creating a backup job
    • Case JB5-Base #1825 - CORE Upgrade to SQLite 3.45.1
    • Case JB5-Base #1823 - CORE [Clone] Memory allocation issue when debug is ON on the destination server
    • Case JB5-Base #1816 - GUI [Localization] Unable to translate some entries on Queue
    • Case JB5-Base #1808 - CORE Implement multilevel include exclude all across
    • Case JB5-Base #1805 - GUI "Page Size" Selection is not remembered when browsing files in a backup.
    • Case JB5-Base #1801 - GUI End-user Full Backups UI doesn't show items above 100
    • Case JB5-Base #1797 - security Security Issue
    • Case JB5-Base #1794 - CORE [Destinations] Allow setting less than 10 Maximum Threads
    • Case JB5-Base #1792 - CORE The HTTP Retries arnt changed when modifying destination (Dropbox and Onedrive)
    • Case JB5-Base #1791 - CORE [Clones] SSL Certificate not assigned/replaced on Clone
    • Case JB5-Base #1788 - CORE Upgrade PHPMailer to version 6.9.1
    • Case JB5-Base #1786 - CORE [Downloads] Clean workspace downloads directory Issue
    • Case JB5-Base #1811 - GUI When viewing Orphan Accounts in the Admin GUI - the IP addresses type displays as an array
    • Case JB5-Base #1781 - CORE Create TAR files using PHP instead of using CLI
    • Case JB5-Base #1778 - CORE Exclude files from the 'Daily Export' task
    • Case JB5-Base #1776 - GUI Add ability to show damaged backups in end users GUI
    • Case JB5-Base #1771 - CORE Implement a new method to the Integrity Check on Legacy Destinations
    • Case JB5-Base #1768 - Feature GUI Enable JB Config Export by default on new destinations
    • Case JB5-Base #1766 - API manageRepository messages are incorrect for create/modify
    • Case JB5-Base #1761 - API Add a timeout for queue.sock requests
    • Case JB5-Base #1758 - GUI Send alert if destination is automatically disabled
    • Case JB5-Base #1751 - Feature Add option to exclude files in the restore process
    • Case JB5-Base #1746 - critical [Restore] Crons are removed with files restore on CloudLinux/DirectAdmin
    • Case JB5-Base #1739 - CORE [Backups] Verification id mismatch when destination aborted due to "Free Disk Space Limit"
    • Case JB5-Base #1733 - CORE Unable to retry failed items as end user with the set permissions
    • Case JB5-Base #1732 - GUI Integrity Check Completion Alert/Notice is not fetching the backup job and destination name
    • Case JB5-Base #1691 - GUI Account backups UI doesn't show correct informtion
    • Case JB5-Base #1687 - CORE [Domains] Include IPv6 IP in domains backup
    • Case JB5-Base #1686 - GUI Database Users being unselected for some reason / more than 100 items not being selected
    • Case JB5-Base #1682 - CORE Email Notification Integration sends email in incorrect format
    • Case JB5-Base #1676 - CORE [Integrity Check] JB Config fails with [ERROR] NoSuchKey after update
    • Case JB5-Base #1675 - GUI Add a warning message to the 'Can Manage Directory Backups' permission
    • Case JB5-Base #1670 - CORE [CLI] Cannot use -oSkip option for jetbackup5 restorepkg
    • Case JB5-Base #1669 - CORE [Restore] jetbackup.index items don't match items selected, causes restorepkg to fail for partial downloads
    • Case JB5-Base #1668 - CORE 'Insert Multiple' button does not work when changing the backup job from accounts to directories
    • Case JB5-Base #1644 - Feature Add new "Owned By" Account Filter and Rework the "Reseller Filter" to include the reseller owner
    • Case JB5-Base #1511 - API No good way to list full account snapshot/parent_id for orphan accounts
    • Case JB5-Base #1432 - CORE Extend integrity check for individual users
    • Case JB5-Base #1363 - CORE Create new ini parser
    • Case JB5-Base #968 - CORE [DR] Restoring JB Config replaces new plugin versions with older version
  • v5.3.9 [ Released to stable Tier ] 2024-02-11
    • Case JB5-Base #1821 - CORE [BMR] Disable the localv2 destination type option
    • Case JB5-Base #1820 - CORE [BMR] JetBackup REAR restore fails with MongoDB connection error
    • Case JB5-Base #1819 - CORE Upgrade MongoDB to 4.4.28 on OS's using MongoDB 4.4.0
    • Case JB5-Base #1804 - CORE Error: The provided directory not exists or not a directory
  • v5.3.8 [ Released to stable Tier ] 2024-1-7
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v5.3.7 [ Released to edge Tier ] 2023-12-25
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v5.3.6 [ Released to alpha Tier ] 2023-12-17
    • Case JB5-Base #1757 - GUI Adjust Server Backup Job Experimental Notices
    • Case JB5-Base #1753 - CORE Change the destination workers from "per fork" to "per destination"
    • Case JB5-Base #1749 - CORE Failed to update jetbackup5-base package when server is running mongo 6 on a older OS
    • Case JB5-Base #1737 - CORE Re-name process names to be more descriptive in ps (jetbackup5d-main, jetbackup5d-scheduler, etc)
    • Case JB5-Base #1736 - GUI Improve progress bar to calculate total files of download/upload in backup, restore and download processes before the process starts
    • Case JB5-Base #1735 - CORE SQLite database locked error if backup is partially completed when transfer to destination finish with issues
    • Case JB5-Base #1734 - GUI [Reindex] Misleading message to run Integrity Check on SSHv1 destination
    • Case JB5-Base #1730 - GUI GUI displays incorrect excluded items
    • Case JB5-Base #1724 - CORE Improve the reindex process by adding the ability to perform reindex by snap
    • Case JB5-Base #1722 - GUI Edit Excludes is allowed when Exclude Databases is selected
    • Case JB5-Base #1718 - CORE Reset the 'encrypted' value for snapshots
    • Case JB5-Base #1710 - CORE [BMR Backup] Exclude custom workspace directory from the backup
    • Case JB5-Base #1697 - CORE Getting Verification file doesn't exists alert when switching the backup structure on a backup job
    • Case JB5-Base #1663 - CORE [Plesk] End-user GUI fails to load when user under CageFS
    • Case JB5-Base #1661 - GUI [Backups] Re-name "Disaster Recovery" backup job to "Server Backup (BMR)"
    • Case JB5-Base #1159 - CORE [Clone Job] make cloning emails incremental
  • v5.3.5 [ Released to beta Tier ] 2023-11-05
    • Case JB5-Base #1708 - CORE Improve accuracy when determining the size of directories
    • Case JB5-Base #1707 - CORE [Cleanup] SQLite Database directory not being cleaned
    • Case JB5-Base #1692 - CORE segmentation fault when there is more then 200-300 items to restore/download in a single account
    • Case JB5-Base #1689 - CORE Scan functionality causes infinite restore loop
    • Case JB5-Base #1683 - CORE Compressed directory backup always shows as completed
    • Case JB5-Base #1679 - CORE [Cron Backups] Implement new method for Cron Job backup/restore
    • Case JB5-Base #1678 - CORE Update destination disk usage task logs as error even when successful
    • Case JB5-Base #1677 - CORE [JetIndex] Thread exited due to a fatal error. Error: channel(JetBackup\Core\Threads\JetThreads::__construct#101@0x7fc0174be220[3]) closed in / on line 157
    • Case JB5-Base #1674 - CORE Reload security plugins when changes are saved
    • Case JB5-Base #1666 - GUI Typo when successfully adding backup job to queue
    • Case JB5-Base #1657 - CORE Reload repository failing to open the repodata file
    • Case JB5-Base #1647 - GUI Fatal error on corrupted log file
    • Case JB5-Base #1645 - CORE [Logs] Fatal error on listLogs after reboot during job
    • Case JB5-Base #1642 - Feature Add "Dump gtid purged" option
    • Case JB5-Base #1640 - CORE Promote Clone Jobs to STABLE
    • Case JB5-Base #1627 - Feature Add debian 12 support
    • Case JB5-Base #1583 - Feature Add an option to set the maximum size of a database
  • v5.3.4 [ Released to edge Tier ] 2023-10-01
    • Case JB5-Base #1665 - critical [Backups] 'Directories and Files to exclude' not properly excluding files and directories
  • v5.3.3 [ Released to edge Tier ] 2023-08-01
    • Case JB5-Base #1623 - CORE Syncing accounts causes infinite loop when 2 users own each other
    • Case JB5-Base #1618 - CORE Restore directly to email account folder, instead of temp directory
    • Case JB5-Base #1616 - GUI Add reload button in the license issue page
    • Case JB5-Base #1606 - GUI Add warning text to Encrypted Backups option
    • Case JB5-Base #1598 - GUI dashboard.json lang file missing on fresh installation
    • Case JB5-Base #1595 - Feature Allow tags on orphan accounts
    • Case JB5-Base #1594 - GUI Improve Account Id field description
    • Case JB5-Base #1593 - GUI Add more informative progress bar for restore, download and backup
    • Case JB5-Base #1591 - GUI Improve "Delete Orphan Backups older than" setting description
    • Case JB5-Base #1590 - CORE Add default notification for root
    • Case JB5-Base #1589 - GUI Backup Cleanup & Integrity Check Schedule unit should be Day(s) instead of Task(s)
    • Case JB5-Base #1588 - Feature [Disaster Recovery] Add the ability to adjust settings during DR Wizard
    • Case JB5-Base #1587 - Feature Allow JB Config schedule time to be modifed
    • Case JB5-Base #1561 - GUI Add button to lock Directories backups
    • Case JB5-Base #1552 - security Security Issue
    • Case JB5-Base #1538 - CORE [QoL] Log the selected files for Home Directory restore/download
    • Case JB5-Base #1470 - CORE [Directories Backup] Disallow specifying " / " in include list
    • Case JB5-Base #1360 - CORE [CloudLinux Integration] Restoring terminated account does not restore user LVE settings
    • Case JB5-Base #1345 - CORE [Encrypted Backups] Fork closed unexpectedly when user encryption key is invalid
    • Case JB5-Base #1223 - CORE After DR, JB Config job keeps previously assigned destinations
    • Case JB5-Base #1216 - Feature Add Search box to Logs page
    • Case JB5-Base #1212 - GUI multi-account restore "Account Filter" not listing orphan accounts when selected.
    • Case JB5-Base #1201 - CORE yaml_parse_file character limit causing failed db parse error for ssl certs with multiple associated domains
    • Case JB5-Base #1180 - CORE Trial license expired alert not being sent
    • Case JB5-Base #1170 - GUI [Translation] Missing key:value entries for End-user panel
    • Case JB5-Base #1157 - CORE [Clone Jobs] Workspace cleanup after Partial Clone Account Issue
    • Case JB5-Base #1106 - Feature Add daily local backup of JB config
    • Case JB5-Base #1084 - Feature JetBackup 5 Retry Button for Failed Backups
    • Case JB5-Base #1074 - CORE apt-key is deprecated for Debian and Ubuntu above Debian 11 and Ubuntu 22.04
    • Case JB5-Base #1023 - Feature [DR Wizard] Allow editing relevant settings during DR + Info showcase
    • Case JB5-Base #885 - CORE Allow terminated accounts to be added to the accounts filter
    • Case JB5-Base #742 - Feature [Files Restore] - Add ability to select system symlink for restore
    • Case JB5-Base #692 - CORE Improved PostgreSQL hba.conf handling
    • Case JB5-Base #623 - Feature Port JB4 Feature to JB5 - Redo the restore option.
    • Case JB5-Base #440 - Feature Add import / export config CLI tool
  • v5.3.2 [ Released to alpha Tier ] 2023-06-25
    • Case JB5-Base #1614 - critical [Localv2] Integrity Check marks all Localv2 backups as damaged
    • Case JB5-Base #1603 - critical Memory issue in the binaries
    • Case JB5-Base #1592 - CORE Add build number to plugins
    • Case JB5-Base #1570 - critical [SSH/SFTP] Integrity check overloading destination server with "sftp-server" processes
    • Case JB5-Base #1557 - CORE Add multi level users and virtual users
    • Case JB5-Base #1554 - GUI [Settings] Allow dashes in Custom Workspace Directory
    • Case JB5-Base #1548 - critical [Install] Ubuntu - outdated jetapps-repo is being installed
    • Case JB5-Base #1547 - critical [IntegrityCheck] Creating a new destination instance per file in the cleanup
    • Case JB5-Base #1541 - security Security Issue
    • Case JB5-Base #1535 - CORE Implement localazy as the main language CDN
    • Case JB5-Base #1534 - critical [Backup] mysqldump not handling multibyte characters correctly in mysql 5.7.41
    • Case JB5-Base #1527 - CORE Reindexing Read-Only destination doesn't show accounts owner
    • Case JB5-Base #1449 - CORE [QoL] Update File Browser Page Size Defaults
    • Case JB5-Base #1107 - CORE Add support for Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
    • Case JB5-Base #1035 - GUI Hide "Restore"/"Download" button in end-user panel when related permission is disabled
  • v5.3.0 [ Released to alpha Tier ] 2023-03-29
    • Case JB5-Base #1494 - GUI Add description for backup job types
    • Case JB5-Base #1489 - GUI Add the ability to validate fields in the settings
    • Case JB5-Base #1480 - Feature Upgrade lighttpd to version 1.4.68
    • Case JB5-Base #1479 - Feature Upgrade rsync to version 3.2.7
    • Case JB5-Base #1467 - critical security Security Issue
    • Case JB5-Base #1435 - CORE Duplicating backup jobs results in un-removeable schedules if assigned to multiple jobs
    • Case JB5-Base #1434 - GUI Zones are now referred to as Domains
    • Case JB5-Base #1412 - GUI Cannot change 'Change account owner and/or package' if chosen before 'Grant account reseller privileges after restore`
    • Case JB5-Base #1401 - CORE Redesign package handling
    • Case JB5-Base #1398 - GUI Selections are lost when including/excluding backups on multiple pages in Restore and Download
    • Case JB5-Base #1394 - CORE [ERROR] User didn't returned any password
    • Case JB5-Base #1379 - critical Add a function to the '' interface.
    • Case JB5-Base #1378 - critical Restore error - The directory has vanished
    • Case JB5-Base #1372 - CORE Add logs to cleanup
    • Case JB5-Base #1352 - CORE Scanning Issue on the Directory Include logic
    • Case JB5-Base #1349 - critical Upgrade 5.2 -> 5.3 Missing elements
    • Case JB5-Base #1344 - critical Directories job will try to migrate accounts data if export folder exist
    • Case JB5-Base #1332 - CORE Deprecating the jetindexd service
    • Case JB5-Base #1331 - Feature Add AlmaLinux 9 support
    • Case JB5-Base #1318 - GUI Unable to translate the plugins section
    • Case JB5-Base #1313 - GUI Adjust "Concurrent Tasks" wording in Destination settings
    • Case JB5-Base #1301 - CORE [Accounts] Can't set Queue Priority Override back to the default option
    • Case JB5-Base #1276 - GUI Add information that Manual Backup TTL overrides Orphan TTL
    • Case JB5-Base #1273 - API Add API call to delete backups for specific account
    • Case JB5-Base #1270 - Feature Add option to disable Account homedir lock when restoring files
    • Case JB5-Base #1266 - CORE Addon Plugins shouldn't send Events when disabled
    • Case JB5-Base #1265 - GUI [Translation] Update text in code to reflect text in UI
    • Case JB5-Base #1264 - GUI [QoL] Updated "account_suspended" filter options in the "Restore and Download" section
    • Case JB5-Base #1261 - API [manageDestination] Throw an error when specifying an incorrect/non-existent owner
    • Case JB5-Base #1254 - GUI "Full Backups" column not updating the correct amount of backups present at destination.
    • Case JB5-Base #1250 - API Add default limits to API calls
    • Case JB5-Base #1249 - GUI Update "JB5 Config not found" error message
    • Case JB5-Base #1235 - Feature Improved reindex
    • Case JB5-Base #1234 - CORE Remote snaps verification before backup jobs start (snaps mismatch)
    • Case JB5-Base #1229 - CORE Temp snaps are visible in the GUI after a reindex when listing backups
    • Case JB5-Base #1228 - API [DirectAdmin] Unable to run select api calls as root
    • Case JB5-Base #1222 - GUI Add description of what accounts are listed on the "Accounts to recover" page in DR
    • Case JB5-Base #1220 - Feature Ability to Filter by Status in the Logs Section
    • Case JB5-Base #1218 - critical [PHP 8 Issue] UI Suddenly stopped loading and 5.3.0 fully updated
    • Case JB5-Base #1207 - GUI Add warning to specify a reseller for Reseller Filters
    • Case JB5-Base #1192 - CORE PHP 8.1 warnings and type safe adjustments
    • Case JB5-Base #1188 - Feature Notify that Hooks were disabled after DR
    • Case JB5-Base #1178 - CORE PHP 8.1 upgrade
    • Case JB5-Base #1176 - Feature GUI Add the ability to change date syntax
    • Case JB5-Base #1173 - GUI Add the ability to switch the time format in between 12 and 24 hours
    • Case JB5-Base #1172 - GUI Restore Conditions not showing up on the End User restore modal
    • Case JB5-Base #1152 - Feature Add "Clear Alerts" button
    • Case JB5-Base #1118 - CORE Change PHP encoder from "ioncube" to "Source Guardian"
    • Case JB5-Base #1083 - CORE deleteDestination API call gets stuck in some cases
    • Case JB5-Base #1080 - GUI [DR] Add status to DR JB Configurations restore
    • Case JB5-Base #987 - CORE [Restore] DNS Zones retain old server IP address
    • Case JB5-Base #946 - Feature Ability to exclude junk email account folders
    • Case JB5-Base #917 - CORE Upgrade from PHP 7.3 to PHP 8.1
    • Case JB5-Base #888 - CORE Semi-Incremental MySQL databases backup on new engine
    • Case JB5-Base #659 - GUI [File Browser] Doing selection on a directory with a high number of files is slow
    • Case JB5-Base #583 - CORE Directories backup tries to backup excluded folders
    • Case JB5-Base #503 - Feature Adding Tags from within Backup Job
    • Case JB5-Base #352 - Feature Redesign the DR process
  • v5.2.11 [ Released to stable Tier ] 2022-11-09
    • Case JB5-Base #1356 - Feature Add option to disable Account homedir lock when restoring files
    • Case JB5-Base #1339 - CORE Post "Backup Account" Hook - Add Queue Item Status
    • Case JB5-Base #1291 - CORE Snapshots for active accounts sometimes gets affected by orphan TTL
  • v5.2.10 [ Released to stable Tier ] 2022-05-22
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v5.2.9 [ Released to beta Tier ] 2022-08-21
    • Case JB5-Base #1263 - GUI [Translation] Unable to translate some UI elements under the Settings Section
    • Case JB5-Base #1242 - CORE Unable to reopen closed forks due to Socket Timeout
    • Case JB5-Base #1231 - Feature Add the ability to set the number of threads used for a destination
  • v5.2.8 [ Released to beta Tier ] 2022-05-04
    • Case JB5-Base #1168 - CORE [Databases] Creating a 'link' for a database file that does not exist
    • Case JB5-Base #1167 - GUI Miscalculation of Backups Sizes for Archived/Compressed in Local and SSH Destinations
    • Case JB5-Base #1160 - CORE Logs page get stuck when trying to fetch a corrupted log
    • Case JB5-Base #1153 - API APIOutputException: Unsupported operand types
    • Case JB5-Base #1151 - CORE [DR] Fix redirect to JB Config date selection after failed config restore
    • Case JB5-Base #1149 - CORE [QoL] Improve download file naming convention
    • Case JB5-Base #1142 - CORE [QoL] reduce the non-assignable Orphan Account metadata TTL to 14 Days
    • Case JB5-Base #1130 - CORE Sent/Drafts disappear on restore
    • Case JB5-Base #1127 - CORE Panel logging not showing up in Logs for Clone and restorepkg
    • Case JB5-Base #1125 - CORE Non-UTF8 Packages cause service failure loop
    • Case JB5-Base #1111 - GUI [Notification] Include hostname in "Integration configured successfully" messages
    • Case JB5-Base #1104 - API [Destinations] Possibility to reindex single account at destination by exact name match
    • Case JB5-Base #1095 - API Add "created date" to listAssignableAccount UUID's
    • Case JB5-Base #1092 - Feature [Destinations] Add warning that automated tasks will be performed when enabling destination
    • Case JB5-Base #1085 - CORE [Automated Tasks] Sync All Accounts every 48 hours
    • Case JB5-Base #1076 - GUI Plugin - Addon Permission Issue
    • Case JB5-Base #493 - Feature Retry failed backup items
  • v5.2.7 [ Released to stable Tier ] 2022-03-07
    • Case JB5-Base #1147 - CORE Backup Fork TTL is not triggering if JetBackup is uploading data to destination
    • Case JB5-Base #1133 - CORE [Backup Jobs] Duplicating a running backup job shows duplicate job running as well
    • Case JB5-Base #1132 - GUI Editing notification integration shows save dialog box after already saved
    • Case JB5-Base #1124 - GUI "View Group Items" column not sorting properly
    • Case JB5-Base #1123 - GUI Suspend after clone button disappearing
    • Case JB5-Base #1121 - CORE Incorrect calculation on a monthly schedule
    • Case JB5-Base #1116 - GUI Issue loading json files when interface loads
    • Case JB5-Base #1115 - CORE [DR] JB Config Restore - Sync Accounts timeout causes main fork to close unexpectedly
    • Case JB5-Base #1114 - CORE Automated tasks exception kills the main loop
    • Case JB5-Base #1113 - CORE An automated task from the same type is being executed together many times
    • Case JB5-Base #1109 - CORE Upgraded to a newer version of WiredTiger
    • Case JB5-Base #1105 - CORE Add function for plugins that runs every hour and performs plugin tasks
    • Case JB5-Base #1102 - GUI [UI] Restore condition tooltip clarity enhancements
    • Case JB5-Base #1093 - Feature [Logs] Include schedule type in snapshot deletion log
    • Case JB5-Base #976 - Feature Microsoft Teams Notification Integration
  • v5.2.6 [ Released to edge Tier ] 2022-01-16
    • Case JB5-Base #1082 - critical Backups can be corrupted by editing a S3 destination's path while disabled
    • Case JB5-Base #1078 - CORE Add database auth in database object level
    • Case JB5-Base #1077 - CORE Destinations filter doesn't contain clone type
    • Case JB5-Base #1066 - CORE License Issue page displayed during DR when using S3 destinations
    • Case JB5-Base #1058 - CORE [Download] Downloading snaps should only generate log entries to queue log
    • Case JB5-Base #1057 - CORE Prevent multiple JB5-panel installations
    • Case JB5-Base #1052 - CORE JetBackup Updates during Backup Job cause Never Finished error
    • Case JB5-Base #1051 - Feature [Backups] Restores should have a "Disabled Destination" tag to let users know why the restore fails
    • Case JB5-Base #1046 - Feature Change panels interface to add Database connection per account in addition to the server database
    • Case JB5-Base #1040 - CORE [Hooks] Restore Hooks does not send "Aborted by Hook" alert.
    • Case JB5-Base #1037 - CORE [Hooks] Change Aborted by Hook alert level to WARNING
    • Case JB5-Base #1036 - CORE [Restore] Subdomains are restored before parent addon domain
    • Case JB5-Base #1029 - CORE Improved logging for the jetindex service (SnapIndex)
    • Case JB5-Base #1027 - Feature Add restore/download queue progress status
    • Case JB5-Base #1024 - CORE Account Reassign Modal Clears Search Bar
    • Case JB5-Base #1020 - CORE Reseller accounts only have access to multi-user restore page if permitted
    • Case JB5-Base #1010 - Feature [CLI] Add logging for jetbackup5 pkgacct and restorepkg commands
    • Case JB5-Base #1004 - Feature Set new default Performance Settings
    • Case JB5-Base #955 - CORE [Backup/Restore] Return a warning when FTP crypted password is blank
    • Case JB5-Base #939 - Feature Add the ability to manage Backup Job Schedules across all Backup Jobs.
  • v5.2.5 [ Released to stable Tier ] 2021-12-02
    • Case JB5-Base #1034 - critical JetBackup WHM Hooks disappear after update on Ubuntu servers
    • Case JB5-Base #901 - CORE Installation fails on 1st install in some cases on Ubuntu/Debian
  • v5.2.4 [ Released to edge Tier ] 2021-11-16
    • Case JB5-Base #1050 - critical MongoDB wrapper fetching/inserting incorrect data in some cases
  • v5.2.3 [ Released to edge Tier ] 2021-11-15
    • Case JB5-Base #1047 - CORE Backup Jobs that been aborted by invalid destinations get stuck in failure loop
    • Case JB5-Base #1042 - CORE Improve the DB-Users restore process
    • Case JB5-Base #1038 - CORE Reinstalling Plugin Issue - JBMC Backward Compatible Plugin
  • v5.2.2 [ Released to edge Tier ] 2021-11-02
    • Case JB5-Base #1030 - critical JB config backup can consume workspace partition space in some cases
  • v5.2.1 [ Released to edge Tier ] 2021-11-01
    • Case JB5-Base #1022 - GUI Update Alert Message for Job Monitor Alerts
    • Case JB5-Base #1014 - CORE Add proper error handling when folder has been removed during the backup run
    • Case JB5-Base #1012 - CORE Clone Jobs Add Default Panel Excludes
    • Case JB5-Base #1005 - CORE Limit Manual Backup and Backup on Demand retention values
    • Case JB5-Base #1003 - CORE Add proper ERROR when Account is deleted during Backup Job
    • Case JB5-Base #1001 - GUI Queue status in Dashboard has no colors
    • Case JB5-Base #997 - API Packages duplicated in listAccountPackages call
    • Case JB5-Base #996 - GUI End-User Queue Page leads to Internal Server Error 500 after restore in some cases
    • Case JB5-Base #994 - CORE Directory Queue Priority Group sets incorrect priority
    • Case JB5-Base #991 - GUI Navigation bar improperly wraps text
    • Case JB5-Base #990 - CORE Throw proper error when specifying a file as a Backup Directory instead of an allowed path.
    • Case JB5-Base #989 - GUI Update command in License Issue page
    • Case JB5-Base #988 - GUI Update license error message
    • Case JB5-Base #983 - Feature Add log_id as a new Hook Argument
    • Case JB5-Base #978 - CORE Clone Job - Cross Panel Home Directory Sync Issues
    • Case JB5-Base #970 - GUI File Manager fails to load - json_encode fails when file name is not UTF8
    • Case JB5-Base #969 - CORE [End User Panel] Restore and Download after select files fails in some cases
    • Case JB5-Base #966 - GUI Add Concurrent Task Warning for resources
    • Case JB5-Base #965 - GUI Add the Snapshot Hash ID into the process debug log
    • Case JB5-Base #964 - CORE Reindex taking too long
    • Case JB5-Base #959 - GUI Update description of the Manage Database Plugin Page
    • Case JB5-Base #953 - API CORE manageBackupJob - require Backup Structure on create
    • Case JB5-Base #952 - API Parameter 'disabled' does not work when installing plugin via API
    • Case JB5-Base #949 - GUI Rephrase Destination Re-register/Revert Error message
    • Case JB5-Base #948 - CORE Graceful restart after installing plugin throws ERROR
    • Case JB5-Base #947 - API Require parameter "position" on Create for manageHook
    • Case JB5-Base #945 - CORE DR Wizard shows "No accounts found"
    • Case JB5-Base #943 - API Require Parameter "position_type" on Create for manageHook
    • Case JB5-Base #942 - GUI Remove "Only Active" Option In "Accounts To Recover" on Disaster Recovery Page
    • Case JB5-Base #941 - GUI Add pagination for the backup items in the End-User GUI
    • Case JB5-Base #940 - GUI The search bar is missing for the backup items in the End-User GUI
    • Case JB5-Base #938 - Feature Add option to suspend account after clone
    • Case JB5-Base #934 - Feature Add Restore Account Package Selection in Settings
    • Case JB5-Base #924 - GUI Add option 'Go to Queue' after Restore/Download
    • Case JB5-Base #913 - CORE Make MySQL DB Users restore more efficient
    • Case JB5-Base #911 - API Remove parameter 'level' from Notification Integration API Calls
    • Case JB5-Base #895 - GUI Add more detailed information in all Alerts
    • Case JB5-Base #877 - GUI Prompt user to enable plugins after install
  • v5.2.0 [ Released to edge Tier ] 2021-08-29
    • Case JB5-Base #910 - GUI Add Popup Notice when restoring Directory Backups
    • Case JB5-Base #909 - CORE Cleanup JetBackup services backtrace
    • Case JB5-Base #902 - GUI Add Snap Date/# for Backup Items in Restore Log
    • Case JB5-Base #900 - GUI Rephrase "license refresh in progress" error
    • Case JB5-Base #899 - CORE Restore applies incorrect user and group ownership in some cases
    • Case JB5-Base #896 - GUI After Backup Job Schedule Subtext shows backup job specified as "undefined"
    • Case JB5-Base #894 - CORE Orphan Backups not getting marked for deletion if the "deleted" field does not exist
    • Case JB5-Base #890 - API [API] mangeNotificationIntegration command sets Frequency values as string type
    • Case JB5-Base #889 - CORE Avoid checking notification integration connection while disabling integration
    • Case JB5-Base #888 - CORE Semi-Incremental MySQL databases backup
    • Case JB5-Base #884 - API [API - manageAccountFilter] List of Accounts gets inserted as an object if indexes is set incorrectly for Account Filters with lists.
    • Case JB5-Base #883 - security Security Issue
    • Case JB5-Base #876 - security Security Issue
    • Case JB5-Base #874 - GUI Backup items on the Show Advanced pages sometimes appear in the wrong tab
    • Case JB5-Base #873 - API Add the ability to reindex a specific account by demand
    • Case JB5-Base #871 - GUI Make the New Installation message clearer
    • Case JB5-Base #867 - CORE Made MongoDB CPU Usage more efficient
    • Case JB5-Base #862 - CORE AccountBackup threw mkdir warning and caused backup to fail
    • Case JB5-Base #861 - GUI Job Monitor assigned incorrect values
    • Case JB5-Base #860 - CORE Add Lock File Before Performing Hook File
    • Case JB5-Base #859 - CORE Change Disk Space Calculation for Local Destination Types to use df
    • Case JB5-Base #858 - GUI Add verbosity to the snapshot deletion logs
    • Case JB5-Base #853 - GUI View Group Items does not update properly when changing page size
    • Case JB5-Base #849 - Feature Security Plugin Redesign
    • Case JB5-Base #848 - GUI In "Custom" restore/download, backup items that are selected show as unselected
    • Case JB5-Base #846 - CORE Clean account backup folders on destination when empty
    • Case JB5-Base #843 - Feature Add resouce limit to jetbackup5d service
    • Case JB5-Base #837 - CORE Implement smarter email account restores
    • Case JB5-Base #835 - GUI End User UI Redesign
    • Case JB5-Base #834 - API Add API call to allow restore of Full Backups by the snap parent ID
    • Case JB5-Base #828 - Feature Add clone jobs ability
    • Case JB5-Base #733 - CORE Aborting reindex process does not update destination status
    • Case JB5-Base #622 - GUI Show the number of Snaps per account on Accounts Page
    • Case JB5-Base #611 - CORE "invalid package id" error when installing multiple destination plugins on the destination creation page
    • Case JB5-Base #593 - GUI Add interface to select single account backups in Restore & Download
    • Case JB5-Base #237 - Feature Add directory download and restore ability
  • v5.1.14 [ Released to stable Tier ] 2021-07-20
    • Case JB5-Base #855 - CORE lighttpd forks getting stuck
  • v5.1.13 [ Released to edge Tier ] 2021-07-04
    • Case JB5-Base #854 - critical Disaster Recover Never Finished
    • Case JB5-Base #845 - API unable to find level when executing listAlerts on terminal
    • Case JB5-Base #827 - GUI Fix the restore log options field
    • Case JB5-Base #824 - CORE Reindex causes Locked Backups to get unlocked
    • Case JB5-Base #823 - CORE [Download] Download Errors aren't logged in the download log file
    • Case JB5-Base #818 - CORE When backup/download or restore aborted, clean all temp data
    • Case JB5-Base #813 - GUI Encryption Key Column status disappears when account is excluded on the Restore and Download Page
    • Case JB5-Base #810 - GUI JetApps Cli cannot fetch version/tier
    • Case JB5-Base #803 - CORE MySQL Database Backup Item restore doesn't restore DB user grants
    • Case JB5-Base #788 - CORE [Automated Tasks] Issues with Cleanup Task when errors occur
    • Case JB5-Base #787 - CORE Temp files not being cleaned in some cases
    • Case JB5-Base #781 - GUI Hide Debug logs from end users
    • Case JB5-Base #770 - Feature [Port JB4 Feature to JB5] Ran for / Not ran settings for Backup Jobs
    • Case JB5-Base #743 - GUI Make Restore/Download actions disabled when no backup items are selected
    • Case JB5-Base #702 - CORE JetBackup Cleanup Procedure for Unexpectedly aborted processes
    • Case JB5-Base #677 - Feature Port JB4 Feature to JB5 - Limit restore per account
    • Case JB5-Base #637 - CORE Redesign backup/queueable forks
    • Case JB5-Base #635 - Feature Port JB4 Feature to JB5 - Snapshots Settings Condition for Backup on Demand
    • Case JB5-Base #340 - GUI Add Send Status of Notifications on the Alerts Page.
  • v5.1.12 [ Released to stable Tier ] 2021-05-31
    • Case JB5-Base #811 - security Security Issue [ Stablepoint ]
    • Case JB5-Base #807 - GUI End-User Restore and Download Page - Hide Backup Items completely if not given permission
    • Case JB5-Base #793 - GUI Account Manage - accountExcludeListSelection Insert Multiple popup does not appear
    • Case JB5-Base #784 - GUI Dashboard shows loading bar every few seconds
    • Case JB5-Base #779 - CORE Local incremental backups are not properly setting links
    • Case JB5-Base #776 - Feature Ability to add multiple notification modules from the same type
    • Case JB5-Base #773 - CORE "Merge backup data with live account data" flag not properly set through GUI
    • Case JB5-Base #772 - CORE License Expired / Trial License Expired Notifications aren't sent after license expired
    • Case JB5-Base #771 - CORE Trial license expired Alert level changed to Critical
    • Case JB5-Base #769 - CORE Notifications - Once a day alerts are not properly sent.
    • Case JB5-Base #766 - GUI [Destination Settings] Update tooltip for Export JB Config Button
    • Case JB5-Base #756 - CORE Errors not caught when restoring Addon Domain/Subdomain
    • Case JB5-Base #754 - security Security Issue
    • Case JB5-Base #747 - CORE Provide better indication when a Hook fails/aborts during restore
    • Case JB5-Base #732 - GUI Add warning to "Has All Privileges" permission
    • Case JB5-Base #728 - Feature Add Search Box to dialog windows
    • Case JB5-Base #718 - CORE Error queuing restore due to - Reseller account can't hold other reseller, only root account can
    • Case JB5-Base #655 - CORE S3 Reindex Job marked "Complete" even with errors
    • Case JB5-Base #786 - CORE Restoring PostgreSQL database partially completes due to user "does not exist"
  • v5.1.11 [ Released to edge Tier ] 2021-05-02
    • Case JB5-Base #767 - API Update listQueueItems API call error message
    • Case JB5-Base #760 - API Alerts Object does not display ID
    • Case JB5-Base #746 - CORE Notification type not found error during Disaster Recovery
    • Case JB5-Base #725 - API installPlugin API call fix
    • Case JB5-Base #724 - CORE Incorrect monthly schedule calculation on positive timezone offsets in some cases
    • Case JB5-Base #723 - CORE Backup job with "After Job Done" schedule and regular schedule gets executed unintentionally
    • Case JB5-Base #720 - CORE [Restore] Preserve ownership for public directories/addon domains
    • Case JB5-Base #717 - CORE Feature [Homedir Restore] Rollback home directory owner and permission when restore fails
    • Case JB5-Base #711 - security Security Issue [ RACK 911 Labs ]
    • Case JB5-Base #709 - security Security issue [ RACK 911 Labs ]
    • Case JB5-Base #707 - CORE critical Users are able to modify Backup on Demand Retention
    • Case JB5-Base #698 - CORE After Backup Job schedule gets triggered by Backup on Demand
    • Case JB5-Base #697 - CORE critical [Permissions] User accounts can reassign account UUIDs from "Accounts" section
    • Case JB5-Base #696 - CORE Failed to restore the DNS Zone
    • Case JB5-Base #687 - CORE Cross-origin frame gets blocked
    • Case JB5-Base #686 - CORE Uninstalling Jetbackup 4 also uninstalls JetBackup 5
    • Case JB5-Base #685 - Feature Improved Internal bash command handling
    • Case JB5-Base #683 - Feature added PHP error logs to the main jetbackupd.log
    • Case JB5-Base #682 - Feature GUI [ViewBackups] Add a label with the database engine name to the 'DB' and 'DB Users' under the Advanced Settings
    • Case JB5-Base #671 - GUI Incorrect Success Message when updating Backup on Demand Settings
    • Case JB5-Base #670 - CORE Issues with File Permissions Restore Settings
    • Case JB5-Base #668 - CORE SyncAccountsDetails Task skips all accounts
    • Case JB5-Base #666 - GUI [Logs] View Log Summary gets stuck when page size set to 10
    • Case JB5-Base #661 - GUI [Dashboard] Editing Destinations List Pagination fails
    • Case JB5-Base #651 - CORE Jetindexd service fails with ji_wt_wrapper_full_meta_find_by_path not found
    • Case JB5-Base #650 - CORE Jetindexd service stability fixes
    • Case JB5-Base #645 - API Creating Backup Jobs through API does not get listed on BOD settings
    • Case JB5-Base #643 - CORE Directories Backup Job misses some files
    • Case JB5-Base #616 - CORE jetindexd WT_X Errors
  • v5.1.10 [ Released to stable Tier ] 2021-03-08
    • Case JB-Base #667 - CORE PHP update to
    • Case JB-Base #662 - CORE "undefined symbol: create_snap_entry_ex" during Backup Job
  • v5.1.9 [ Released to stable Tier ] 2021-03-01
    • Case JB-Base #648 - GUI View log files at Queue Items page returns "No content found"
    • Case JB-Base #640 - CORE Addon plugins making API calls with no data throwing JS errors
    • Case JB-Base #638 - CORE [Restore] Clear the 'files' list when selecting a new backup to restore from
    • Case JB-Base #632 - CORE JetBackup5 loading issue after fresh reboot
    • Case JB-Base #631 - GUI Update error messages for end user
    • Case JB-Base #628 - CORE JetBackup does not fetch new accounts migrated from another panel
    • Case JB-Base #625 - Feature [SyncAccounts] Add an alert when an account doesn't have a 'created date'.
    • Case JB-Base #621 - CORE Restore & Download - Account Downloads not working
    • Case JB-Base #606 - GUI Added consistency for Account Encryption Key references
    • Case JB-Base #598 - GUI "Free Disk Space Limit" field does not show after switching between S3 back to Local or SSH in "Create New Destination"
  • v5.1.8 [ Released to beta Tier ] 2021-02-09
    • Case JB-Base #607 - CORE [DR] Unable to restore JB config from S3 Destination
    • Case JB-Base #604 - GUI [Create Backup Job - GUI] Schedule growl notification shows as blank
    • Case JB-Base #595 - GUI [Account Filters] - Resellers accounts not getting listed
    • Case JB-Base #592 - CORE [Restore] Skip the reseller, owner, and package handling when restoring without panel configuration.
    • Case JB-Base #590 - GUI Add a confirmation box when pressing the 'Create Backup On Demand' button
    • Case JB-Base #589 - CORE [Queue] Improved task handling for accounts that are queued for both backup and restore.
    • Case JB-Base #587 - CORE [Backup on Demand] Allow only one BOD job per user/account be queued at a time.
    • Case JB-Base #584 - CORE [Encrypted Backups] The encrypted backups are being encrypted more than once when using multiple destinations
    • Case JB-Base #581 - GUI Cannot filter backup jobs by "JB Config" type
    • Case JB-Base #580 - Feature GUI Added Queued and Actual Processing Time in the Logs Page
    • Case JB-Base #579 - GUI [Disaster Recovery Wizard] Add warning/instructions to re-enable Export JB Config and Backup Jobs.
    • Case JB-Base #575 - CORE [JB User Panel] API call permission issue when logged in at user-level
    • Case JB-Base #557 - CORE security Upgrade PHP version to 7.3.26
    • Case JB-Base #432 - GUI Search filters cached between page loads.
  • v5.3.12 [ Released to edge Tier ] 2024-07-07
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v5.3.11 [ Released to alpha Tier ] 2024-06-03
  • v5.3.10 [ Released to edge Tier ] 2024-05-09
    • Case JB5-CP #191 - CORE [Backup] Never Finished when no domains returned for cPanel Account
    • Case JB5-CP #189 - Feature Add DNS-Only Support
    • Case JB5-CP #188 - CORE Implement a sync account hook that triggers when an account's IP address and quota is changed
    • Case JB5-CP #187 - CORE [Restore] Missing step to set reseller IP to shared/main during restore
    • Case JB5-CP #186 - CORE [Restore] Error: "undefined" is a reserved package name.
    • Case JB5-CP #185 - CORE [Clones] SSL Certificate not assigned/replaced on Clone
    • Case JB5-CP #180 - CORE [Clones] Panel Config clone restores Cron Jobs even if Cron item is unchecked
    • Case JB5-CP #121 - CORE [Backup] Single quoted MySQL password causes failed DB backups
    • Case JB5-CP #122 - critical jetbackup5d/jetmongod not added to cPanel Service Monitor [chkservd]
  • v5.3.9 [ Released to stable Tier ] 2024-02-11
    • Case JB5-CP #184 - CORE Adjust the way we check for installed certificates in cPanel servers
  • v5.3.8 [ Released to stable Tier ] 2024-1-7
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v5.3.7 [ Released to edge Tier ] 2023-12-24
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v5.3.6 [ Released to alpha Tier ] 2023-12-17
    • Case JB5-CP #181 - CORE Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: JetBackup\Panel\Account\Account::_humanReadableToInt(): Return value must be of type int, float returned in /usr/local/jetapps/var/lib/jetbackup5/Panel/Account/
  • v5.3.5 [ Released to beta Tier ] 2023-10-29
    • Case JB5-CP #176 - CORE Exclude pkgacct log file from account backups
    • Case JB5-CP #173 - CORE Add more information when the cpanel restore script fails but the exit code shows success
  • v5.3.4 [ Released to edge Tier ] 2023-09-20
    • Case JB5-CP #175 - critical [Backups] Never Finished error when PHP Handler for php version is set to "none"
  • v5.3.3 [ Released to edge Tier ] 2023-08-01
    • Case JB5-CP #171 - CORE [Backup Job] Make JetBackup 5 more resilient to changes in PostgreSQL pg_hba.conf
  • v5.3.2 [ Released to alpha Tier ] 2023-06-20
    • Case JB5-CP #168 - CORE Require valid FTP account username/domain before returning "didn't return a password" error
  • v5.3.0 [ Released to alpha Tier ] 2023-03-29
    • Case JB5-CP #166 - CORE [Accounts] Disk Usage column not properly showing quota on cPanel servers
    • Case JB5-CP #163 - CORE [postRestore] Move the account suspension to the end of the function
    • Case JB5-CP #151 - CORE SSL Backup doesn't fetch the installed certificate
    • Case JB5-CP #150 - CORE Validate IP adress inside 'default ip'
    • Case JB5-CP #144 - Feature Implement new DNS parser engine
    • Case JB5-CP #143 - CORE Collect PHP version as part of the package
    • Case JB5-CP #142 - GUI Hide WHM Header & Footer when inside JetBackup
    • Case JB5-CP #135 - CORE Don't pass prefix-size when data base prefixing is disabled
    • Case JB5-CP #137 - CORE Update minimum cPanel version to v88 on our RPM
    • Case JB5-CP #132 - CORE Failing to restore DNS Zone Records from backup.
    • Case JB5-CP #118 - CORE FTP Accounts fail to backup with Bandwidth Limit Exceeded soft suspension
    • Case JB5-CP #128 - CORE [Backup] terminate line endings in passwd/shadow files
    • Case JB5-CP #130 - critical "Suspend after restore" option doesn't run at end of restore
    • Case JB5-CP #107 - CORE critical [Restore] cPanel restores don't set account custom IP address
    • Case JB5-CP #102 - CORE Fixed DNS restores when server is in a cluster
    • Case JB5-CP #96 - critical [Restore] Preserve user/group ownership of Addon Domains directories when using custom addon directory
    • Case JB5-CP #95 - CORE [Backup Job] Failed fetching MySQL/PGSQL default user. Error: yaml file not found
  • v5.2.11 [ Released to stable Tier ] 2022-11-07
    • Case JB5-CP #120 - CORE User didn't returned any password when DB Users created manually / WITH GRANT OPTION
  • v5.2.10 [ Released to stable Tier ] 2022-10-12
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v5.2.9 [ Released to beta Tier ] 2022-08-23
    • Case JB5-CP #125 - CORE Issue with passing custom ports for MySQL
    • Case JB5-CP #123 - GUI [cPanel] Prepare for Paper_Lantern theme removal
    • Case JB5-CP #116 - CORE [Restore - Database] WHM Database prefix setting causes DB restore to fail
  • v5.2.8 [ Released to beta Tier ] 2022-05-11
    • Case JB5-CP #113 - CORE Exclude jetbackup services from cPanel find_outdated_services script
    • Case JB5-CP #114 - CORE [Restore] UAPI Error: The quota must be a positive integer or “unlimited”.
    • Case JB5-CP #72 - CORE critical [SyncAccounts] After server reboot, sync account is only syncing 1 account (root)
    • Case JB5-CP #58 - CORE [Restore] "Invalid new package provided" when Reseller restores account with certain packages
  • v5.2.7 [ Released to stable Tier ] 2022-03-07
    • Case JB5-CP #111 - CORE [Backup] Backticks in db user yaml file causes invalid mysql user backup
    • Case JB5-CP #109 - CORE Backing up SSL throws "failed parsing ssl db file" error when file is empty
  • v5.2.6 [ Released to edge Tier ] 2022-01-16
    • Case JB5-CP #106 - CORE Change JB5 icon from 25X25 to 48X48 pixels - Support new WHM theme
    • Case JB5-CP #103 - CORE [Restore] Unexpected password hash when Email Log-In is suspended
    • Case JB5-CP #104 - CORE cl.selector PHP settings are not restored properly
    • Case JB5-CP #101 - CORE [Installation] Add "implements" to JB5 install.json on cPanel to create unique App_Key
  • v5.2.5 [ Released to stable Tier ] 2021-12-02
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v5.2.4 [ Released to edge Tier ] 2021-11-16
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v5.2.3 [ Released to edge Tier ] 2021-11-14
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v5.2.2 [ Released to edge Tier ] 2021-11-02
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v5.2.1 [ Released to edge Tier ] 2021-10-31
    • Case JB5-CP #100 - CORE [Restore] cpapi2 addAddonDomain - ftp_is_optional flag is required
    • Case JB5-CP #98 - CORE Restore email account ends up with "Never Finished" status in some cases
    • Case JB5-CP #97 - CORE JetBackup 5 cPanel with MariaDB v10.4+ cannot use UPDATE
  • v5.2.0 [ Released to edge Tier ] 2021-08-29
    • Case JB5-CP #93 - CORE cPanel Jupiter theme support
    • Case JB5-CP #94 - CORE Add skiplinkednodes to cPanel pkgacct script
    • Case JB5-CP #91 - security Security Issue
    • Case JB5-CP #90 - CORE [cPanel] JetBackup does not backup the cpuser system user from the mysql database
    • Case JB5-CP #92 - CORE Exclude .cagefs directory from all backups
    • Case JB5-CP #89 - CORE jetbackupd: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in
    • Case JB5-CP #88 - GUI Change wording for "uapi" and "whmapi" API errors
  • v5.1.14 [ Released to stable Tier ] 2021-07-20
    • Case JB5-CP #87 - CORE JetBackup Restore Merge - restorepkg will restore the full account homedir
  • v5.1.13 [ Released to edge Tier ] 2021-07-01
    • Case JB5-CP #84 - CORE All Certificate backups fail if one fails
    • Case JB5-CP #83 - CORE Backup files in user /etc folder
    • Case JB5-CP #75 - CORE Improve the way we fetch SSLs during backup
    • Case JB5-CP #85 - CORE cPanel restorepkg shows account as suspended in JetBackup 5 UI
  • v5.1.12 [ Released to stable Tier ] 2021-05-27
    • Case JB5-CP #78 - GUI Success Message empty on cPanel end user panel
    • Case JB5-CP #70 - CORE [Restore] PostgreSQL error during restore when PSQL DB user has special characters
    • Case JB5-CP #24 - CORE add `cagefsctl -m [account_name]` to the post restore hook
  • v5.1.11.1 [ Released to edge Tier ] 2021-05-02
    • Case JB5-CP #76 - CORE [Restore] Preserve ownership for public directories/addon domains
    • Case JB5-CP #71 - CORE [Restore - Email Accounts] Error while trying to get data from uapi. Error: Unexpected data provided for password hash.
    • Case JB5-CP #62 - CORE Error while trying to get data from whmapi1 "setsiteip" function . Error: Unable to set to an unconfigured ip address
  • v5.1.10.2 [ Released to stable Tier ] 2021-03-14
    • Case JB5-CP #53 - CORE Database Users Backup takes long time when having large amount of users
  • v5.1.9.1 [ Released to stable Tier ] 2021-03-08
    • Case JB5-CP #68 - CORE listAccounts return invalid data when limit 0 provided
    • Case JB5-CP #64 - CORE cPanel API Error - "User didn't returned any password"
    • Case JB5-CP #61 - CORE [hooks] Fix the cpanel 'sync_account' for 'suspendacct' and 'unsuspendacct' hooks.
    • Case JB5-CP #54 - CORE cPanel End User Interface for JetBackup getting 404 (concurrent JB4 and JB5 Installation)
  • v5.3.12 [ Released to edge Tier ] 2024-07-07
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v5.3.11 [ Released to alpha Tier ] 2024-06-03
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v5.3.10 [ Released to edge Tier ] 2024-05-09
    • Case JB5-DA #183 - CORE JB5 using incorrect syntax for CMD_IP_MANAGER to assign IP
    • Case JB5-DA #182 - GUI IP addresses type displays as an array in the orphan account section
    • Case JB5-DA #181 - CORE [Restore] Partially completed restore for "admin" account
    • Case JB5-DA #179 - CORE .spamassasin folder is being deleted after restoring a single file
    • Case JB5-DA #180 - critical [Restore] Crons are removed with files restore on CloudLinux/DirectAdmin
    • Case JB5-DA #174 - critical private_html symlink option not restored or stored properly
    • Case JB5-DA #175 - CORE [Restore] Pre-Restore set quota to unlimited step using Admin as user rather than custom admin user
  • v5.3.9 [ Released to stable Tier ] 2024-01-28
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v5.3.8 [ Released to stable Tier ] 2024-1-7
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v5.3.7 [ Released to edge Tier ] 2023-12-24
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v5.3.6 [ Released to alpha Tier ] 2023-12-17
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v5.3.5 [ Released to beta Tier ] 2023-10-29
    • Case JB5-DA #168 - CORE MV Function used to returning Boolean value now returns void
    • Case JB5-DA #171 - CORE [Clone Jobs] Reseller downgraded to user is still cloned as Reseller
  • v5.3.4 [ Released to edge Tier ] 2023-09-06
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v5.3.3 [ Released to edge Tier ] 2023-08-01
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v5.3.2 [ Released to alpha Tier ] 2023-06-20
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v5.3.0 [ Released to alpha Tier ] 2023-03-29
    • Case JB5-DA #158 - CORE Main domain not restored if the account exists
    • Case JB5-DA #151 - CORE Cross platform restore quota with a value 0 restored a 1
    • Case JB5-DA #150 - CORE Admin account's "domains" folder does not have correct ownership
    • Case JB5-DA #132 - Feature Implement new DNS parser engine
    • Case JB5-DA #120 - critical Implement the new 'isSuspendedReal' function in the '' interface
    • Case JB5-DA #116 - CORE Set suspension & quotas before backup/restore
    • Case JB5-DA #109 - CORE JetBackup returns an incorrect error message from DirectAdmin API
    • Case JB5-DA #104 - CORE DirectAdmin allows you to delete all associated domains on an account causing errors when restoring.
    • Case JB5-DA #105 - Feature [Feature - Low Priority] Fetch account inode use in DirectAdmin
    • Case JB5-DA #106 - CORE Exclude temp admin files in panel config backups
    • Case JB5-DA #107 - CORE Emails under a suspended domain can't be backed up
    • Case JB5-DA #108 - CORE Email account restore fails if IMAP directory is missing
    • Case JB5-DA #102 - CORE Assign correct permissions to mail folders after restore
    • Case JB5-DA #99 - CORE [Restore] Reseller IP assignment isn't restored in DirectAdmin
    • Case JB5-DA #159 - CORE [Cross-panel Restore] cPanel backup restored in DirectAdmin has incorrect SSL configuration
    • Case JB5-DA #96 - CORE Unable to restore "max_per_email_send_limit" in user config
    • Case JB5-DA #88 - Feature Allow Email-Only Account Backups
    • Case JB5-DA #83 - CORE Reseller quotas not restored if set to custom (non-package) values
    • Case JB5-DA #62 - CORE SSL Error when restoring an account w/ SSL Certificate saved + SSL disabled
  • v5.2.11 [ Released to stable Tier ] 2022-11-07
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v5.2.10 [ Released to stable Tier ] 2022-10-12
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v5.2.9 [ Released to beta Tier ] 2022-08-23
    • Case JB5-DA #110 - CORE Issue with setting the correct custom port for MySQL
  • v5.2.8 [ Released to beta Tier ] 2022-05-04
    • Case JB5-DA #101 - critical [DirectAdmin] Maximum of 50 Subdomains being backed up
  • v5.2.7 [ Released to stable Tier ] 2022-03-07
    • Case JB5-DA #100 - CORE !include/!includedir directive throwing a syntax error, unexpected '!' when fetching MySQL config
    • Case JB5-DA #98 - CORE JetBackup tries to backup lock files which causes account backups to fail
  • v5.2.6 [ Released to edge Tier ] 2022-01-18
    • Case JB5-DA #95 - CORE [Disaster Recovery] Multiple account restore fails due to Queue account creation lock
    • Case JB5-DA #94 - CORE Fix the homedir structure after cross platform restore (effecting clone also)
    • Case JB5-DA #90 - CORE Correct path for DNS Zones to be backup/restored correctly on Ubuntu
    • Case JB5-DA #78 - CORE [DirectAdmin] Cannot perform database backups on Ubuntu due to socket restrictions
  • v5.2.5 [ Released to stable Tier ] 2021-12-02
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v5.2.4 [ Released to edge Tier ] 2021-11-16
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v5.2.3 [ Released to edge Tier ] 2021-11-14
    • Case JB5-DA #93 - CORE [Restores] - Never Finished error when JetBackup 5 Login key is removed
  • v5.2.2 [ Released to edge Tier ] 2021-11-02
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v5.2.1 [ Released to edge Tier ] 2021-11-01
    • Case JB5-DA #89 - CORE DNS Zones Issue on DirectAdmin
    • Case JB5-DA #87 - CORE Validate "max_username_length" Variable Before Restore Accounts In directadmin.conf
    • Case JB5-DA #86 - GUI Add jetbackup5d and jetindexd services into DA services monitor
    • Case JB5-DA #84 - critical Restoring "admin" Account doesn't restore Reseller Packages
    • Case JB5-DA #79 - CORE Databases Backup can fail if DirectAdmin my.cnf file is missing
    • Case JB5-DA #76 - CORE [cPanel to DA] Failed linking public_html_migrated to domains/
  • v5.2.0 [ Released to edge Tier ] 2021-08-29
    • Case JB5-DA #81 - CORE Exclude .cagefs directory from all backups
    • Case JB5-DA #80 - CORE [DirectAdmin] [Restore] Cannot Modify User - bandwidth=unlimited MB is not a number (Status Code: 500)
  • v5.1.14 [ Released to stable Tier ] 2021-07-20
  • v5.1.13 [ Released to edge Tier ] 2021-07-01
    • Case JB5-DA #15 - CORE In some cases, directadmin hooks are not triggered so the sync account is not executing and the accounts information is not updating
  • v5.1.12 [ Released to stable Tier ] 2021-05-31
    • Case JB5-DA #70 - Feature [UrlRequest] Add a time-out option
    • Case JB5-DA #69 - CORE [DatabaseUser] Can't backup database users if the global 'sql_mode' includes 'ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY'.
    • Case JB5-DA #67 - CORE [Restore] Fixing CloudLinux lve settings after restore
    • Case JB5-DA #66 - Feature Update DirectAdmin Curl API Format to allow Local IPs
    • Case JB5-DA #51 - CORE [Restore] CL PHP Selector - User enabled PHP extensions aren't re-set
    • Case JB5-DA #5 - CORE `jetbackup` user causes built-in DA backup to fail
  • v5.1.11.1 [ Released to edge Tier ] 2021-05-02
    • Case JB5-DA #65 - CORE [Backup Jobs] DirectAdmin dropping cli-command API
    • Case JB5-DA #64 - CORE Restore of Maildir Permissions missing +x perm
    • Case JB5-DA #63 - CORE [DatabaseUsersBackup] Make the DB-Users backup more efficient
    • Case JB5-DA #61 - CORE Domain aliases are not backed up
    • Case JB5-DA #57 - CORE [Restore Account] 404 error for resellers domains after restore
    • Case JB5-DA #58 - CORE [Restore] Able to restore more databases than set limit on DirectAdmin.
  • v5.3.12 [ Released to edge Tier ] 2024-07-07
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v5.3.11 [ Released to alpha Tier ] 2024-06-03
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v5.3.10 [ Released to edge Tier ] 2024-05-09
    • Case JB5-IWORX #94 - CORE Unable to generate backups - [ERROR] PHP Error (Fatal Error) - Uncaught Error: Class "JetBackup\Core\IO\Tar" not found
  • v5.3.9 [ Released to stable Tier ] 2024-01-28
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v5.3.8 [ Released to stable Tier ] 2024-1-7
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v5.3.7 [ Released to edge Tier ] 2023-12-24
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v5.3.6 [ Released to alpha Tier ] 2023-12-17
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v5.3.5 [ Released to beta Tier ] 2023-10-29
  • v5.3.4 [ Released to edge Tier ] 2023-09-06
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v5.3.3 [ Released to edge Tier ] 2023-08-01
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v5.3.2 [ Released to alpha Tier ] 2023-07-02
    • Case JB5-IWORX #82 - CORE enable_no_prefix_api value not set causing failed MySQL restores
    • Case JB5-IWORX #83 - critical UI shows blank page after install
    • Case JB5-IWORX #80 - CORE MultiPHP Settings are not restored
    • Case JB5-IWORX #77 - CORE Failed to restore reseller from cpanel
  • v5.3.0 [ Released to alpha Tier ] 2023-03-29
    • Case JB5-IWORX #63 - CORE Addon domains multi php version is not returned after backup
    • Case JB5-IWORX #52 - CORE Undefined array keys in
    • Case JB5-IWORX #35 - CORE [Multi Restore] Automatically assign default panel admin as owner for accounts with owners that does not exist in the panel.
    • Case JB5-IWORX #32 - critical Implement the new 'isSuspendedReal' function in the '' interface
    • Case JB5-IWORX #24 - CORE Issue with passing custom ports for MySQL
    • Case JB5-IWORX #15 - CORE [Restore] SSL Certificates not being restored
  • v5.3.12 [ Released to edge Tier ] 2024-07-07
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v5.3.11 [ Released to alpha Tier ] 2024-06-03
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v5.3.10 [ Released to edge Tier ] 2024-05-09
    • Case JB5-L #56 - Feature Allow Standalone Linux panel to set custom hostname
    • Case JB5-L #54 - security Security Issue
  • v5.3.9 [ Released to stable Tier ] 2024-01-28
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v5.3.8 [ Released to stable Tier ] 2024-1-7
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v5.3.7 [ Released to edge Tier ] 2023-12-24
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v5.3.6 [ Released to alpha Tier ] 2023-12-17
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v5.3.5 [ Released to beta Tier ] 2023-10-29
  • v5.3.4 [ Released to edge Tier ] 2023-09-06
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v5.3.3 [ Released to edge Tier ] 2023-08-01
    • Case JB5-L #58 - CORE Create user session without params returns "malloc.c:2396: sysmalloc" error
  • v5.3.2 [ Released to alpha Tier ] 2023-06-20
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v5.3.0 [ Released to alpha Tier ] 2023-03-29
    • Case JB5-L #52 - CORE Add create account and create package scripts
    • Case JB5-L #48 - critical Implement the new 'isSuspendedReal' function in the '' interface
    • Case JB5-L #41 - CORE Change panel scripts from PHP to bash
    • Case JB5-L #40 - CORE Error restoring Database users in MySQL 8.0
    • Case JB5-L #9 - CORE Restoring MySQL root user creates access denied issue
  • v5.2.11 [ Released to stable Tier ] 2022-11-07
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v5.2.10 [ Released to stable Tier ] 2022-10-12
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v5.2.9 [ Released to beta Tier ] 2022-08-23
    • Case JB5-L #39 - CORE Issue with passing custom ports for MySQL
  • v5.2.8 [ Released to beta Tier ] 2022-05-04
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v5.2.7 [ Released to stable Tier ] 2022-03-07
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v5.2.6 [ Released to edge Tier ] 2022-01-16
    • Case JB5-L #33 - Feature Implement Access Token Feature for API calls
    • Case JB5-L #34 - CORE Return 401 Unauthorized in Linux version when not authenticated to the API
    • Case JB5-L #32 - CORE Improved the MongoDB Database restore process with better naming conventions for temporary files
  • v5.2.5 [ Released to stable Tier ] 2021-12-02
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v5.2.4 [ Released to edge Tier ] 2021-11-16
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v5.2.3 [ Released to edge Tier ] 2021-11-15
    • Case JB5-L #30 - CORE MongoDB Databases and Database User restoration partially complete in some cases
    • Case JB5-L #29 - CORE Restoration Partially Completed when PostgreSQL user already exists
    • Case JB5-L #28 - CORE PostgreSQL Database Users are not being backed up
  • v5.2.2 [ Released to edge Tier ] 2021-11-02
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v5.2.1 [ Released to edge Tier ] 2021-10-31
    • Case JB5-L #27 - CORE Add PostgreSQL and MongoDB support
    • Case JB5-L #26 - GUI Logging in as a User shows Admin Panel instead of End User Panel
  • v5.2.0 [ Released to edge Tier ] 2021-08-29
    • Case JB5-L #25 - CORE [Linux] Cannot unset "Default Databases Backup Account" via UI
  • v5.1.14 [ Released to stable Tier ] 2021-07-20
    • Case JB5-L #24 - CORE Restore_onEnd Panel Event Permission causes restore to fail
  • v5.1.13 [ Released to edge Tier ] 2021-07-01
    • Case JB5-L #22 - CORE Database Error when restoring backup from cPanel to Linux using the restorepkg script
    • Case JB5-L #23 - CORE Account Disk Usage/Inode Usage does not appear on Dashboard
  • v5.1.12 [ Released to stable Tier ] 2021-05-27
    • Case JB5-L #1 - CORE critical add jetlighttpd
  • v5.1.11.1 [ Released to edge Tier ] 2021-05-02
    • Case JB5-L #20 - CORE Create New Account button unresponsive
    • Case JB5-L #17 - critical Security Issue [ RACK 911 Labs ]
    • Case JB5-L #16 - critical Security Issue [ RACK 911 Labs ]
    • Case JB5-L #14 - CORE Restorepkg from cPanel > Linux Fails
    • Case JB5-L #12 - CORE jetlighttpd.service Fails to Start - CentOS 8
  • v5.3.12 [ Released to edge Tier ] 2024-07-07
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v5.3.11 [ Released to alpha Tier ] 2024-06-03
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v5.3.10 [ Released to edge Tier ] 2024-05-09
    • Case JB5-PLESK #76 - CORE Can't create domain due to service plan limitation
    • Case JB5-PLESK #74 - CORE PHP Warning: Undefined array key in headerless.php
    • Case JB5-PLESK #72 - CORE Trim "!" from Password for Suspended Subscriptions
    • Case JB5-PLESK #71 - CORE Improve the sync account process
    • Case JB5-PLESK #70 - CORE Special character in package names causes sync account to fail
    • Case JB5-PLESK #69 - CORE Servers with more than 1,000 accounts won't sync all accounts in some cases
    • Case JB5-PLESK #67 - CORE Add the ability to backup domain with redirects
    • Case JB5-PLESK #64 - CORE Error during a restore - `usermng: Failed to set password for user ''`
    • Case JB5-PLESK #61 - CORE Restoring accounts does not set IP properly
    • Case JB5-PLESK #45 - CORE Domains with "Hosting Type" set to "Forward to" are not listed
    • Case JB5-PLESK #22 - CORE Implent pre/post restore functionality
  • v5.3.9 [ Released to stable Tier ] 2024-02-08
    • Case JB5-PLESK #66 - CORE Downloads will fail if larger than Plesk internal PHP memory size
    • Case JB5-PLESK #65 - CORE Create Plesk extension
  • v5.3.8 [ Released to stable Tier ] 2024-1-7
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v5.3.7 [ Released to edge Tier ] 2023-12-24
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v5.3.6 [ Released to alpha Tier ] 2023-12-17
    • Case JB5-PLESK #55 - CORE Unable to restore alias domain
    • Case JB5-PLESK #59 - CORE [Restore] Restoring subdomains from SSH Legacy sets incorrect group
    • Case JB5-PLESK #54 - CORE Plesk repair on subdomain returns exit 1
    • Case JB5-PLESK #58 - CORE [Restore] Errors restoring SSL certificates
    • Case JB5-PLESK #56 - CORE [Restore] DNS Zone records not being applied properly
    • Case JB5-PLESK #53 - CORE Unable to restore database from "Plesk Application"-based installation of WordPress
    • Case JB5-PLESK #57 - CORE End-user GUI fails to load when user under CageFS
    • Case JB5-PLESK #44 - CORE Failed to restore cPanel account with FTP account
    • Case JB5-PLESK #43 - CORE Partially failed when restoring cPanel account with subdomain to Plesk
    • Case JB5-PLESK #42 - CORE createZone: dnsmng failed: dnsmng: Unable to open DNS config file
    • Case JB5-PLESK #40 - CORE Disk Usage not getting fetched
  • v5.3.5 [ Released to beta Tier ] 2023-10-29
    • Case JB5-PLESK #50 - CORE Warning: Undefined variable $filename in .../Domains/ on line 106
    • Case JB5-PLESK #51 - CORE Customers with Greek Letter Names shows ??? characters on the accounts page
    • Case JB5-PLESK #41 - CORE Unable to fetch accounts on specific plesk license types
  • v5.3.4 [ Released to edge Tier ] 2023-09-26
    • Case JB5-PLESK #46 - CORE Groups name are set to root after restore
  • v5.3.3 [ Released to edge Tier ] 2023-08-01
    • Case JB5-PLESK #38 - CORE Failed backup MySQL databases on Debian/Ubuntu
    • Case JB5-PLESK #33 - critical Failed making utility Call to Plesk. Error: Customer account with username "*******" does not exist
    • Case JB5-PLESK #32 - GUI Plesk GUI shrinks when searching for account in Permissions
    • Case JB5-PLESK #31 - CORE No packages listed for Packages Filter
    • Case JB5-PLESK #30 - critical Unable to restore database users
    • Case JB5-PLESK #26 - CORE Some accounts can't be included by filters

SSH (Legacy) Destination Plugin

  • v1.1.3 [ Released to JB5 5.3.10 and above ] 2024-05-09
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v1.1.2 [ Released to JB5 5.3.3 and above ] 2023-08-01
  • v1.1.1 [ Released to JB5 5.3.2 and above ] 2023-06-20
    • Case JB5-SSH #47 - CORE Allow hostname for Hetzner
  • v1.0.30 [ Released to JB5 5.2.0 and above ] 2021-08-29
    • Case JB5-SSH #37 - CORE Destination is saved even if there are errors
  • v1.0.29 [ Released to JB5 5.1.12 and above ] 2021-06-01
    • Case JB5-SSH #35 - security Security Issue
  • v1.0.28 [ Released to JB5 5.1.10 and above ] 2021-05-05
    • Case JB5-SSH #34 - CORE critical Incremental backup is broken
  • v1.0.27 [ Released to JB5 5.1.10 and above ] 2021-05-02
    • Case JB5-SSH #33 - critical Security Issue [ RACK 911 Labs ]
    • Case JB5-SSH #32 - critical Security Issue [ RACK 911 Labs ]
    • Case JB5-SSH #31 - critical Security Issue
    • Case JB5-SSH #30 - GUI On 'getDiskInfo()' function, the debug message using 'free space' for the total

SFTP Destination Plugin

  • v1.0.3 [ Released to 5.3.10 Tier ] 2024-05-09
    • Case JB5-SFTP #10 - CORE Add timeout when creating SFTP destination
    • Case JB5-SFTP #9 - CORE Add retires to any operation to the destination
    • Case JB5-SFTP #8 - CORE Upgrade phpseclib 3.0.37
    • Case JB5-SFTP #7 - GUI Validate timeout error typo
    • Case JB5-SFTP #6 - CORE The SFTP consumes too much memory that is not being freed
  • v1.0.2 [ Released to 5.3.6 Tier ] 2023-12-18
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v1.0.1 [ Released to 5.3.3 Tier ] 2023-08-01
    • Case JB5-SFTP #5 - Feature Add disk information to support disk limit feature
    • Case JB5-SFTP #1 - CORE Failed uploading file '/path/to/file'. Error: Failed creating directory
  • v1.0.0 [ Released to 5.3.2 Tier ] 2023-06-25
    • Case JB5-SFTP #3 - CORE Connection lost in some cases
    • Case JB5-SFTP #2 - critical [SSHv2] Integrity Issues with SSHv2 Destination / Not Incremental

S3 Compatible Destination Plugin

  • v1.1.4 [ Released to JB5 5.3.10 and above ] 2024-05-09
    • Case JB5-S3 #96 - CORE Update DigitalOcean Spaces regions
    • Case JB5-S3 #92 - critical Error occurs while trying to reindex S3 destination
    • Case JB5-S3 #79 - CORE Verify that failed multipart uploads start over from the failed chunk
    • Case JB5-S3 #69 - CORE Add "Vultr" as an S3-compatible providers
  • v1.1.3 [ Released to JB5 5.3.6 and above ] 2023-12-18
  • v1.1.2 [ Released to JB5 5.3.3 and above ] 2023-08-01
    • Case JB5-S3 #91 - GUI Improve Account Id field description
  • v1.1.1 [ Released to JB5 5.3.2 and above ] 2023-06-21
    • Case JB5-S3 #89 - CORE Multipart upload returns with a 'bad request' response
    • Case JB5-S3 #88 - CORE Add the keep-alive header to the CURL
    • Case JB5-S3 #87 - CORE Add options to the CURL to check for low-speed
    • Case JB5-S3 #78 - CORE HTTP Retries are not triggered for request time-out errors
  • v1.0.27 [ Released to JB5 5.2.8 and above ] 2022-05-04
    • Case JB5-S3 #61 - Feature add support for "rocky linux 8"
  • v1.0.26 [ Released to JB5 5.2.7 and above ] 2022-03-07
    • Case JB5-S3 #59 - CORE Support different appearances of the `etag` value in the response
    • Case JB5-S3 #58 - CORE Add CURL Connection Timeout for S3 Requests
    • Case JB5-S3 #57 - CORE Add new Wasabi Region - EU-West-2 (Paris, France)
    • Case JB5-S3 #56 - Feature Add Oracle Linux support for both ol7 and ol8
    • Case JB5-S3 #55 - CORE memory leaks related to W_FunctionParams_init
  • v1.0.25 [ Released to JB5 5.2.5 and above ] 2021-12-09
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v1.0.24 [ Released to JB5 5.2.1 and above ] 2021-11-15
    • Case JB5-S3 #52 - CORE Add new Wasabi Region - EU-West-1
  • v1.0.23 [ Released to JB5 5.2.1 and above ] 2021-10-31
    • Case JB5-S3 #51 - CORE Add new Wasabi Region - Osaka - ap-northeast-2
  • v1.0.22 [ Released to JB5 5.2.0 and above ] 2021-08-29
    • Case JB5-S3 #50 - CORE S3 Validation restriction: allow "A-Z a-z 0-9 _ - . and /"
  • v1.0.21 [ Released to JB5 5.1.13 and above ] 2021-07-06
    • Case JB5-S3 #48 - CORE Trim blank spaces in Access Key/Secret Key fields
  • v1.0.20 [ Released to JB5 5.1.13 and above ] 2021-07-04
    • Case JB5-S3 #44 - CORE Add retry when there is no message in HTTP response
  • v1.0.19 [ Released to JB5 5.1.12 and above ] 2021-05-27
    • Case JB5-S3 #41 - Feature Add Google Cloud as an option
    • Case JB5-S3 #40 - GUI Removing Vendor Specific option for MinIO Destination (selfhosted - custom vendor option)
    • Case JB5-S3 #39 - CORE Do not allow Backup Directories with Special Characters/whitespace
    • Case JB5-S3 #36 - CORE Add retries to failed curl response codes
    • Case JB5-S3 #35 - Feature Add retires option in S3 GUI
  • v1.0.17 [ Released to JB5 5.1.10 and above ] 2021-05-02
    • Case JB5-S3 #32 - CORE S3 I/O timeout
    • Case JB5-S3 #26 - CORE Feature Add retries also from PHP
    • Case JB5-S3 #31 - CORE Adding S3 destination with no permissions should fail
    • Case JB5-S3 #17 - CORE Feature [Backup] Retry when failing to upload to destination
    • Case JB5-S3 #18 - CORE Update Backblaze regions
    • Case JB5-S3 #19 - CORE [S3]Entire Account Backup Transfer fails due to a single file upload failure.

FTP Destination Plugin

  • v1.1.3 [ Released to 5.3.6 Tier ] 2023-12-18
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v1.1.2 [ Released to 5.3.3 Tier ] 2023-08-01
    • Case JB5-FTP #34 - Feature Add option to prefer IPv4/IPv6
  • v1.1.1 [ Released to 5.3.2 Tier ] 2023-06-20
    • Case JB5-FTP #39 - CORE 'removeDir' fails to remove a directory that contains another directory in it
    • Case JB5-FTP #38 - GUI Add destination warning
  • v1.0.2 [ Released to JB5 5.2.11 and above ] 2022-11-07
    • Case JB5-FTP #33 - CORE Issue with specifying relative paths when configuring FTP destinations
    • Case JB5-FTP #31 - CORE Segfaults during snapshot cleanup during FTP connection errors
    • Case JB5-FTP #29 - CORE Utilize CURL calls in FTP
    • Case JB5-FTP #28 - CORE Destination IP blocked in CSF causes Never Finished for Downloads
    • Case JB5-FTP #26 - critical Snap folder not fully deleted during snapshot cleanup
  • v1.0.1 [ Released to JB5 5.2.9 and above ] 2022-09-18
    • Case JB5-FTP #24 - GUI FTP Destinations Maximum Connections/Concurrent Tasks Unclear
  • v1.0.0 [ Released to JB5 5.2.9 and above ] 2022-08-23
    • Case JB5-FTP #7 - CORE Support the ability to set the number of threads from the GUI
    • Case JB5-FTP #6 - CORE Create the FTP destination log directory

Google Drive Destination Plugin

  • v1.0.4 [ Released to 5.3.10 Tier ] 2024-05-09
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v1.0.3 [ Released to 5.3.6 Tier ] 2023-12-18
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v1.0.2 [ Released to 5.3.3 Tier ] 2023-08-01
    • Case JB5-GDRIVE #19 - CORE Add disk information to support disk limit feature
  • v1.0.1 [ Released to 5.3.2 Tier ] 2023-06-20
    • Case JB5-GDRIVE #11 - CORE Backups with large amounts of inodes get stuck
    • Case JB5-GDRIVE #12 - CORE "Invalid Credentials" error backing up to Gdrive
  • v1.0.0 [ Released to 5.3.0 Tier ] 2023-03-29

Dropbox Destination Plugin

  • v1.0.2 [ Released to 5.3.10 Tier ] 2024-05-09
    • Case JB5-Dropbox #16 - critical Error: Bad Request (Code: 400) while deleting files
    • Case JB5-Dropbox #15 - CORE Warning: Undefined property: stdClass::$refresh_token
    • Case JB5-Dropbox #14 - CORE Error: Unable to get file chunks
    • Case JB5-Dropbox #13 - CORE The HTTP Retries does not change when modifying destination
  • v1.0.1 [ Released to 5.3.6 Tier ] 2023-12-18
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v1.0.0 [ Released to 5.3.3 Tier ] 2023-08-01
    • Case JB5-DBOX #12 - CORE Add disk information to support disk limit feature
    • Case JB5-DBOX #6 - critical Exports folder not being uploaded / retried

One Drive Destination Plugin

  • v1.0.0 [ Released to 5.3.3 Tier ] 2023-08-01
    • Case JB5-1DRIVE #9 - critical Failed downloading file '[....]. Error: Item does not exist
    • Case JB5-1DRIVE #6 - critical remove PKCE
    • Case JB5-1DRIVE #3 - critical Error:AADSTS70000: The user could not be authenticated as the grant is expired. The user must sign in again.
  • v1.0.1 [ Released to 5.3.5 Tier ] 2023-10-26
    • Case JB5-One Drive #12 - CORE Increase the chunk size for multipart upload
    • Case JB5-One Drive #11 - CORE Add the ability to choose the HTTP version
  • v1.0.2 [ Released to 5.3.6 Tier ] 2023-12-18
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v1.0.3 [ Released to 5.3.9 Tier ] 2024-02-07
    • Case JB5-One Drive #14 - CORE Change app path from `drive/root` to `me/drive/root`
  • v1.0.4 [ Released to 5.3.10 Tier ] 2024-05-09
    • Case JB5-One Drive #17 - CORE Can't download big files
    • Case JB5-One Drive #16 - CORE PHP Warning: Array to string conversion in .../OneDrive/ on line 240
    • Case JB5-One Drive #13 - CORE The HTTP Retries are not changed when modify destination

Slack Notification Plugin

  • v1.0.19 [ Released to JB5 5.2.9 and above ] 2022-09-11
    • Case JB5-Slack #5 - CORE Pagination - next_cursor not getting passed causing newer slack channels not to get fetched
  • v1.0.18 [ Released to JB5 5.2.8 and above ] 2022-05-04
    • Case JB5-Slack #4 - GUI Update description for required scopes during plugin creation
  • v1.0.16 [ Released to JB5 5.2.7 and above ] 2022-01-20
    • Case JB5-Slack #3 - CORE Readjust Slack Authentication Method - Add Pagination
  • v1.0.15 [ Released to JB5 5.2.5 and above ] 2021-12-05
    • Case JB5-Slack #2 - Feature Slack Support for Private Channels
  • v1.0.14 [ Released to JB5 5.2.0 and above ] 2021-08-29
    • Case JB5-Slack #1 - CORE Added connection tests to Notification Integration
  • v1.0.13 [ Released to JB5 5.1.12 and above ] 2021-05-31
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v1.0.12 [ Released to JB5 5.1.10 and above ] 2021-05-02
    • Base Compatibility Update

Syslog Notification Plugin

  • v1.0.6 [ Released to JB5 5.2.8 and above ] 2022-05-04
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v1.0.4 [ Released to JB5 5.2.0 and above ] 2021-08-29
    • Case JB5-Syslog #1 - CORE Added connection tests to Notification Integration
  • v1.0.3 [ Released to JB5 5.1.10 and above ] 2021-05-02
    • Base Compatibility Update

Google Hangouts Notification Plugin

  • v1.0.12 [ Released to JB5 5.2.8 and above ] 2022-05-04
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v1.0.10 [ Released to JB5 5.2.0 and above ] 2021-08-29
    • Case JB5-Google Hangouts #3 - CORE Added connection tests to Notification Integration
  • v1.0.9 [ Released to JB5 5.1.12 and above ] 2021-05-31
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v1.0.8 [ Released to JB5 5.1.10 and above ] 2021-05-02
    • Base Compatibility Update

Telegram Notification Plugin

  • v1.0.4 [ Released to JB5 5.2.8 and above ] 2022-05-04
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v1.0.2 [ Released to JB5 5.2.0 and above ] 2021-08-29
    • Case JB5-Telegram #3 - CORE Added connection tests to Notification Integration
  • v1.0.1 [ Released to JB5 5.1.11 and above ] 2021-05-31
    • Case JB5-Telegram #2 - CORE Telegram sendMessage API Character Limit
  • v1.0.0 [ Released to JB5 5.1.11 and above ] 2021-05-25

Microsoft Teams Notification Plugin

  • v1.0.1 [ Released to JB5 5.2.8 and above ] 2022-05-04
    • Case JB5-Microsoft Teams #1 - GUI Rename Team ID field to Group ID
  • v1.0.0 [ Released to JB5 5.2.7 and above ] 2022-03-07
    • Base Compatibility Update

BitNinja Security Plugin

  • v1.0.0 [ Released to 5.3.5 Tier ] 2023-10-26
    • Base Compatibility Update

Immunify360 Security Plugin

  • v2.1.1 [ Released to 5.3.9 Tier ] 2024-02-07
    • Base Compatibility Update
  • v2.0.0 [ Released to 5.2.0 Tier ] 2021-08-29
    • Case JB4 #3 - CORE Imunify360 Plugin Redesigned
    • Case JB4 #2 - security Security issue